First visit to the dentist | Studio dentistico Galassini

The first visit to the dentist when to do it

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The first visit to the dentist when to do it

Many parents ask us what is the right age to make a first visit to the dentist.
Our experience teaches us that the first visit of the child with the dentist should be done as soon as possible and not just to the need to treat a tooth. For the child it is worse to face a first visit to the dentist with a toothache and need to face treatment.
Our advice for parents is to take the child for a first dental visit around 3 years of age (unless the pediatrician did not advice a visit earlier): a qualified staff, music for children and cartoons can make first visit a time lived without fear and even pleasant, that will help the child to have a lasting and peaceful approach to the dentist.
Sometimes it might be a good strategy to bring your child with you when you go to do a check: As we know, the example of the parents – to perceive the child our serenity and tranquility, in many cases it is the best educational strategy! It would be good to do a check to the children at the Dental Clinic every 6 or 12 months to monitor oral hygiene, diet and the development of the mouth.

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